
Scottish Portrait Awards 2017

Scottish Arts Club, Edinburgh

07 Nov - 02 Dec

The first Scottish Portrait Awards (SPAs) exhibition featuring the top entries from photographers (and fine artists) born, living or studying in Scotland, as well as the winner of this year’s £2000 Richard Coward SPA in Photography. All photographic entries had to be in black and white which lends the exhibition a strong dramatic and documentary feel.

The SPAs are a project of the Scottish Arts Club Charitable Trust. An experienced team of volunteers worked for more than two years to bring the SPAs to life. Their goal is to create a new and vibrant platform for celebrating exceptional Scottish talent in the art of portraiture.

Entries for the 2018 competition and for the £2000 prize will open on 5 January and close on 31 May 2018. Visit SPA's website for further details.


Scottish Arts Club
24 Rutland Square

Further Information

Scottish Portrait Awards

Bibo Keeley
Heart transplantee with poodle. © Bibo Keeley